Tuesday, July 17, 2012

That summer was a blur and I do not remember much

My time spent at my Grandmothers house in Sacramento was rarely pleasant but I do have some interesting memories. The ruby red tea set my little sister and I played with is bright in my mind; I remember threats with it being taken away if we did not behave. There was also a garden with tomatoes and one day we found this horrible gigantic bug; I was told it was a potato bug; we also found huge caterpillars that we would have to pluck off the plants. There wasn't much room in the back yard to run and play and we were not allowed in the front yard. If we made too much noise we would be yelled at and threatened to be hit with a switch; one we would have to pull ourselves from the backyard. It was hard not making noise and we would be subject to the switch often, at first, then less and less as our spirit was crushed. My little sister and I also had to take naps everyday. I was six years old and naps were not something I regularly needed. but if we didn't take a nap we would get yelled at. I quickly learned to fake sleep but my little sister didn't; she got yelled at more than I did. That summer was a blur and I do not remember much; I think there were fireworks on the 4th of July. I missed my Dad and was happy when he finally found us and took us home but home wasn't the green house any longer it was whatever we could afford or whomever would let us stay with them. My father had lost his job due to a refrigerator falling on his back. We lost the house, our pets (DingDong & Quiney the cats and Kelly our German Shepard) and our stability. I think we stayed with my father's mother for a brief stint before my mother wished us girls off to Louisiana.

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