Friday, January 27, 2012

She was left alone on a small gurney with no means of getting help from anyone.

This isn't my own memory but it is significant because it is the day I was born. My due date was March 28th and Easter was on March 26th of year I was born. According to my mother Easter Sunday was very stressful because everyone kept staring at her and wishing her into labor so I would be an Easter baby. They waited in vain because I refused to set things in motion until March 28th. My mother knew she would go into labor on my due date and around 8pm she began to feel labor pains. My father rushed her to the hospital and after that he is not mentioned again. My mother was taken to a room and evaluated and found to be only one centimeter dilated even though she was in excruciating pain and hollering out with each contraction; the process of getting her looked at took about three hours and it was getting close to midnight. The doctor told my mother it could be awhile before she was ready to deliver so they put her in a room and left her. She was left alone on a small gurney with no means of getting help from anyone; soon, she began to experience full on labor. She called out over and over for help but no one came to her aide and then she had to push; out I popped teetering on the edge of the gurney, about to fall to the hard floor. My mother sat up and was about to stop my decent when a nurse finally showed up to check on her; the nurse scooped me up scolding my mother for not calling out for help and whisked me away. The room became very busy as everyone was in shock and disbelief that my mother had gone from pretty much a standstill to having a baby in less than 30 min; without medical assistance. The next day my mother and father were ready to take me home when they were informed that I would not be going with them, that their baby was jaundiced and needing monitoring. This threw my mother into a rage and it took some doing to calm her down; she felt the hospital was responsible for my newborn illness because of the lack of support she received while delivering me. I was released two days later to begin my roller-coaster life.

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