Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Many thoughts ran through my head but panic was not at the top of the list.

I loved living in Southern California, not only for the weather but as a preteen/teen there was so much to do; beach, mountains, Disney Land, Knotts Berry Farm. .  . I remember quite clearly a trip I took with my church group to Knotts Berry Farm; A bunch of teens let loose to ride as many attractions as humanly possible! My favorite was the Corkscrew; it would go up up up and have you at a vertical straight back, then a pause and whew hoo!!!!!! around and around just like it's name. I do not remember how many times I hopped on this ride but the last time will always be ingrained in my mind. It had started to drizzle but nothing that would close the Corkscrew down. I wanted to be in the very front on this go around as did my little sister; we hopped in and waited anxiously for the ride to begin. The ride operator came by, checked our lap bar and gave the thumbs up for the ride to begin; click clack up up up we went and just as the front car got to the apex, just before it would drop us into a myriad of spirals. . . the ride stopped. Many thoughts ran through my head but panic was not at the top of the list; confusion, wonder, curiosity, impatience, maybe a little fear. I was a teenager; ignorant to the fact that tragedy could strike on amusement park rides and optimistic that all would be well once the ride started. It seemed forever that we were stuck there, in that vertical position, with our heads resting on the back of the car and ours eyes seeing nothing but the sky above us. I could hear the ride operators saying everything would be just fine, they would get the ride operating again shortly, do not panic, stay calm; wrong thing to say; my sister started to cry and so did others. I am ever the Polly Anna when it comes to others and I reassured my sister everything would be fine; that the ride would start soon and then the fun would begin! Inside I was becoming doubtful. Click click the car lurched and we were up and over the apex and spiraling our way around and around and then the ride was over. I was dizzy and shaky getting out of the car and saw the relief on everyone's faces; we were safe. I found out we had been up there for 15 minutes while the technicians tried to figure out what was wrong; they closed the ride and it was not opened again while I was there. This did not stop my love for roller coasters; I went on many other rides that day but none other has ever been as eventful.

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