Monday, January 9, 2012

It is spring, and it must have been raining; why else would my older sister have an umbrella in her hand?

I go back in time and retrieve my first memory, a memory that isn't a normal memory but an out of body experience where I am floating and watching as events unfold. I think I am 4 years old living with my parents and three siblings; an older sister, an older brother and a younger sister. We live in Pasadena, Ca in a little house on a corner lot and I think we had just had our picture taken; I remember seeing a picture of us kids looking like we do in my pseudo half memory of that day. It is spring, and it must have been raining; why else would my older sister have an umbrella in her hand. Suddenly, it is quite and the light is diffused; I am watching from above as my older sister angrily swings the umbrella at the head of a little blond girl; the girl is ten years younger and so much smaller than my sister. My sister is yelling at the crying girl crumpled on the ground, telling her she deserved what she got. I see blood, a lot of blood. My mother comes rushing out demanding to know what happened and my sister tells her it was an accident; my brother, younger sister and I all keep our mouths shut because we know what could happen if we tell. . . That's all I remember; I know that little girl was me and I carry the scar behind my ear to this day.

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