Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I was so excited I could barely sleep the night before

The apartment building on Hurlburt Street was like a mansion compared to the hovel we had moved from; it was like we had been given a reprieve from the badness, if only for a short time. We had two bedrooms a living-room that opened up onto a small patio, a n eat in kitchen and a small backyard. I know I barely went into the yard because right outside my living-room door was a pool and a big grassy yard to play in. And kids, oh the kids and everyone was clean, shiny and pretty. We even had a car that we could park in our own parking spot. My mother could still walk but she was getting weaker and sometimes had to use her walker to help her around. She tried her best to only use it in the house; she didn't want anyone to think less of her for using it. This was another golden time that lasted about a year, we spent one Christmas there and Easter and a summer before we moved. One day stands out clearly to me and this was the day I missed the third grade school trip to the L.A. Zoo. I was so excited I could barely sleep the night before but I did and when I woke up. . . I felt like I was going to throw-up. No No No!!! Not OK I had to go to the zoo! I tried to keep my illness a secret and very badly wanted to beeline it to the bathroom but my mother was in there primping; she must have had an appointment or something because she rarely was in the bathroom that early. I said "Hey, Mommy you almost finished I have to go potty?" She told me to come on in, my little sister was in there already. I wanted her to leave, she couldn't see me get sick; if she did I know she would make me stay home. I felt it bubbling up and knew what was coming; luckily I made it to the toilet. My mom was horrified (I got some on her foot) and sent me straight to bed. I was crying, it wasn't fare, I wasn't going to be sick again, I felt better, I really did. She took my temperature and it was high. I spent the day asleep in bed. I was right I didn't  throw-up again but I was sick for the next couple of days.

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